Review Policy.

I am currently accepting review requests from publishers and authors, if you would like to get in touch, please contact me here. I am happy to read e-books, paperback and hardback copies, although there will always be something about reading a physical book that I prefer!

I genuinely love discovering new books and when it comes to fiction, I read: classics, crime, thrillers, dystopian, literary, historic, humorous, horror, mystery… It’s fair to say I have pretty wide net, anything with a great story! Non-fiction wise, I love biographies and books that can teach me something new.

I enjoy some YA books too, but wouldn’t say I read a lot from this genre – it very much depends on the book. Sci-fi, fantasy and war-based books would not fall into my most-loved categories either.

My reviews will be honest, spoiler free and will state if I have been sent the book.

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