WWW Wednesday: 10th April 2019

Welcome to my April WWW Wednesday! This weekly meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words – if you’d like to join in too, all you have to do is answer the three bookish questions below, pop your blog link on Sam’s weekly post in the comments and have a little look at what everyone else is reading!

So, this week…


I decided to give my Kindle shelf a little love this week and choose a digital book. I’ve had my eye on Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield for a while, so finally started reading it. I’ve been drawn in straight away; much like the river, the story is meandering – there are several threads so far that are all subtly trickling into one another, it’s a very clever and interesting structure. It was also recommend by a fellow book blogger for its theme of folklore and changelings, which leads me onto…


Little Darlings by Melanie Golding. Here’s a tip: Don’t read a book about babies being stolen and possibly having their souls switched while feeding your own recently born baby in the middle of the night. You will find the book about 1,000% more terrifying than I think it was intended to be. This is a brilliant read though that tows the line between folklore and reality so well, you’re kept guessing until the end.


I love a great opening sentence (it’s why I include them in all my reviews) and when I opened Sleep by C L Taylor to see what it was, it’s fair to say my interest was piqued: If you’re reading this then I’m no longer alive. Good, right??

The blurb is equally as enticing: All Anna wants is to be able to sleep. But crushing insomnia, terrifying night terrors and memories of that terrible night are making it impossible. If only she didn’t feel so guilty… To escape her past, Anna takes a job at a hotel on the remote Scottish island of Rum, but when seven guests join her, what started as a retreat from the world turns into a deadly nightmare. Each of the guests have a secret but one of them is lying – about who they are and why they’re on the island. There’s a murderer staying in the Bay View hotel. And they’ve set their sights on Anna.

I’m getting The Hunting Party vibes and that was a superb read, so can’t wait to read Sleep. I’d love to know what you’re reading this week, let me know below!

22 thoughts

    1. Ha, I’m not sure I’ve read many with sleep problems as a theme, but it makes for some interesting dream plot lines!


  1. I read Once Upon a River, and I really liked it! It was hard for me to get into at first, but well worth the slow beginning by the end, I thought. Hope you enjoy it.

    I’m definitely going to have to read Little Darlings now. That sounds wonderful! Also, my daughter is eight, so no worries. If someone were to have stolen her and switched her soul, we’d know about it by now, and hey, maybe this one would talk less and not have as much of an attitude? We can hope? 😛

    Here’s my WWW Wednesday post.

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    1. Oh I know exactly what you mean! I have a 3 year old who is very much a ‘threenager’ right now and if some magical creature wanted to switch him with one less likely to scream at me and ignore everything I say, then I might turn a blind eye!

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        1. Yes, I’m really looking forward to the day he is a bit more self-sufficient! Right now he WANTS to do everything by himself – which is great – but there’s nothing quite like watching a toddler try and put on socks for 20 mins to make you use up all your supplies of patience!

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        2. On the other hand, if you’re not in a hurry … great way to keep them entertained for free! xD My daughter, when going through that phase, spent about half an hour trying to put on a long-sleeved shirt all by herself. That was prime reading time, right there. xD

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